If you have emailed me or sent me a message on FB, I will get back to you! My inbox is the fullest it's ever been! I love getting emails and hearing from you. It just might take me a few days to get back to you. I only have so much "free time" where I don't have a monkey hanging on me...I'm sure some of you can relate:)
I've got Landen in the shower but not for a shower(it's a great place for timeout in this RV) and doubles as a great closet to put our vacuum and other things... Farrah and Finley are napping and the older ones are working on their Haiku poems.
Yesterday, I drove the two older kids to Pick Up Sticks a Chinese restaurant. I dropped them off in front while I waited in the car with the younger 3. They went in and ask if they could have chopsticks to glue to their Haiku poems. I love that they are so independent and not afraid of talking to older people. They ended up talking to the manager and telling them they were homeschooled and this is for a school project. That's a learning lesson in itself.
Yesterday, I drove the two older kids to Pick Up Sticks a Chinese restaurant. I dropped them off in front while I waited in the car with the younger 3. They went in and ask if they could have chopsticks to glue to their Haiku poems. I love that they are so independent and not afraid of talking to older people. They ended up talking to the manager and telling them they were homeschooled and this is for a school project. That's a learning lesson in itself.
They are all busy working on those and while I have a little "free time" I thought I would share some pictures about our stop in New Mexico about two weeks ago.
Yummy Mexican food, in old town Albuquerque, NM.
They brought us all the Sopaipillas ( a puffed-up fried bread served with honey) we wanted. I'm still trying to run off the extra weight I've gained from that day!
They brought us all the Sopaipillas ( a puffed-up fried bread served with honey) we wanted. I'm still trying to run off the extra weight I've gained from that day!

Ah, New Mexico, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways: The sunshine; the dry, light air; the cultural diversity; and, oh yes,

On the map Austin found The Wildlife West right off highway 40. By the time we got there they were closed, but the owner was there and let us walk around for about an hour. He saw how interested Austin was in the animals he couldn't turn him away. It started snowing so the little ones and I went back to the RV to get warm.

The zoo has many opportunities for students to learn. It's the only zoo in the United States that is built by teenagers. They also use recycled material.

The next day we headed to the Petroglyph National Monument.

The kids wrote about what they thought each Petroglyph meant and then answered some other questions the Ranger had for them. After they completed their Ranger packet and compared AIG's brochures with the their evolution literature they got yet another patch to add to their road jackets!

I, Austin, Faith and Landen do not believe that the West Mesa, was created a million years ago when lava flowed from a large crack in the Earth's crust.......

We went rock climbing and saw Arizona from New Mexico.....

Hi Bridget!
What a beautiful family you have. :)
I am visiting from Lynnette Kraft's post on 'Getting to Know You" and it was quite a blessing to find your blog. God bless you and your family and have a great weekend coming up!
Love and blessings in Christ alone,
Rachel M. from Hopejourney
We love AiG and use their materials regularly. In addition to the Jonathon Park series, when the kids were younger we also enjoyed the Wonders of series, Fossils, Geology, Astronomy, The Ocean, etc. I had no idea that AiG offered those brochures! Can't believe I missed them but so glad that you mentioned them! I'll be sure to pick up a set or two to share. Blessings!:)
Your blog is great! Just stopping by from Lynette's post! I am a homeschool mom as well.
Amy @ Things & Stuff
I love that they're writing Haiku poems. My fave. (like you couldn't tell with my blog and all haha) hey if you ever need chopsticks, just come on over. I ahve a few of my own. Real ones too. hee hee
Love the pics of new mexico. Awesome.
I love those pictures! Too cute. I just went to Albuquerque NM last weekend on out way to Colorado. It was nice. I do agree though how much it sucks that EVERYWHERE we go things are taught as a fact that are not. SO ANNOYING. We went to the museum of Natural History there while we were there, and it was filled with it. Which we expected, but it even had a bunch of bologna about UFO's and life on other planets, when there is NOTHING to support that. Why that is in a Museum of Natural History, do not ask me.
Hi Bridget~
Just visiting from Lynnette's blog, and quite enjoying your travels. As for the QF questions, you have my support (as in, God said be fruitful and multiply!). Voddie Bauchum has great material on the family if you're in need of encouragement in this area.
Hi, very adorable kids and nice blog. I enjoyed the pictures too. What fun. I am here visiting from Lynnette Krafts blog...
You share the most amazing pictures. I enjoy them all. The education you are giving your children is priceless! Many blessings to your family.
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