Sunday night we were invited to Kaleo Nashville.
A small church that is just starting out. We enjoyed worship,a great message, meeting many new friends and enjoyed "deer burgers!"
This here is Ben. He led worship Sunday night and also......
hunted the deer we were eating. He cooked us all up some deer burgers. I myself didn't try any (don't tell Ben) but my husband and kids did. They liked it!
True story:
Ben told me he was driving the other day and saw the car in front of him hit a squirrel. He stopped and saw that it had just been hit in the head the body was still good. He didn't want to waste any good meat. So he picked it up, skinned it and called his wife at work and said, "Hon, when ya' gonna be home, Supper's cookin'."
Yep, we're in the South ha!

I should of told these two that the crackers on the table were for "Communion" later that evening.... not chip and dip.

We enjoyed a great night of fellowship.....
You know what's funny is before we left, everyone was worried about sleeping arrangements, how we would afford to do this etc etc...I myself was more worried about being involved with church and the fellowship we would be missing back home.
But we have had so many neat opportunities of meeting other believers all around the US.
It's awesome!
Unfortunately we had to leave early..... The kids were running around after service while their parents were
not watching them busy. Just as I turned to check on them I saw Finley trip into a bench......and the cry and scream that followed, I knew it was bad......
Sure enough blood! Everywhere! Right above her eye. My first thought, "Oh, no her face!" Then I checked her deep dark brown eyes to make sure they weren't dilating...(she hit hard)
One of our new friends offered to show us the way to the nearest hospital. It was deep and I knew I couldn't just glue it. So trip #4(on this trip) to the ER was underway......
I was in tears, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Ugh! It wears on a mom when your babies are always getting hurt.
We arrived at the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
Austin has taken over my camera and most of the pictures on this blog are him now. He enjoys documenting and photography. So....I let him.
I'll spare you the really bloody pictures.....(Finley playing with Daddy's phone to keep her hands from trying to pull off the bandage.)

We found out that they had to put Finley under anaesthesia to sew up her cut. It was too deep and they needed to do layers of stitches. But, because she just had "deer burgers" we had to wait 4 hours..........
Needless to say the kids were borrrrrrrrrred!
After about 2 hours of waiting, Daddy took the kids back "home" while I stayed with Finley. She was very cooperative with the nurses and doctors. She was very polite as well. She said, "tant you" (thank you) after the nurse took her blood pressure. But not after the IV, which I don't blame her:(
The "surgery" itself took 20 min then they came and got me......
she was hilarious!!!!!
so sweet!!!!
and so drunk.......
she kept saying, "tant you" (thank you) over and over! LOL
She couldn't sit up or even look me in the eye.
I help her and sang and soon she came out of it. We called Daddy to come get us and we were on our way home.
We are praying it doesn't scar too much.
The doctors did a great job. It's in her eyebrow, so that should help cover it. As long as we make sure she doesn't get her eyebrows waxed in KY like her redneck mama did ha!
We'll keep her out of the sun and she should be just fine...
She's still so pretty!

Poor Finley! and poor mommy!
I don;t think I ever told you but I LOVE your kids' names!
so sorry to read about another trip to the ER. :(
I do think it is great that ya'll are finding ways to connect and fellowship with other believers.
Poor Finley, she's still as beautiful as ever! I showed Chris the picture and he was like "Oh poor baby!!!" Side note, I'm either a really big dork or you should spell out Kentucky cuz when I read it, it says "As long as we make sure she doesn't get her eyebrows waxed in KY like her redneck mama did ha!" I was like why would she use KY to wax her eyebrows!!! Oh Kentucky, my bad!! ROFL!!!
Glad Finley is all stitched up and home it doesn't scar too badly! Prayers and hugs to you guys! We miss you!
I am so sorry! She is still so pretty!!!
Poor thing. :( Well, atleast you have something to write about, right? :) Never a dull moment at the Ryan's.
BRIDGET!!! OMGOODNESS!!! Poor sorry to hear about yet another trip to the ER. Love you all...praying for you. I'm just SURE this is positively the L-A-S-T trip to the hospital for injury!!! Maybe you all should just walk around in full body armor and then you wouldn't have to worry about it!
Awww poor momma! I am sure that was hard on you! I am glad all things went well! She sure is cute!!!!! I am sure it won't scar! Hope you all are having fun!
Poor baby girl :( Hope she gets better.
Oh no, I know how trips like that to the ER can be exhausting... I will pray for no need for any more.
Funny thing, I was driving through Waco Texas and could have sworn that I saw the Road schooling Ryans drive by me... every RV, I have to wonder if it is all of you:) Obviously, it wasn't.
So glad you had precious fellowship... praying for safety for the rest of your trip:)
ohhhh poor sweetie! I know exactly how it goes. My trips to the ER were not on a road trip (praise God), but almost EVERY single ER visit happened while my husband was deployed. He was in Iraq in 2207-2008 and I had to go three times by myself. A year before that he was at a fire school, and I had to take my son in for stitches on his right eyelid (yup he split his eyelid), and the year before that my husband was away at military training and my daughter fell at the park and had to get stitches in her chin. ahhhh such is life sometimes ;)
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