Times seems to be flying by.... (no time to blog.)
I barley have time to shower it seems...(I'm sure most of you mom's can relate)
This season in life has me busier than I've ever been before...(toddlers and pre-teens)
I really don't have time to blog unless I want to blog at midnight, which is when I usually do...
(but I need the sleep!)
So I won't be blogging as much.
I will pop in from time to time to update and let you know where in the country we are:)
(We are still in California.)
Daddy has been working A LOT...which is good! Business is really busy so we haven't been able to leave up north as planned. (It's all God's timing though right?)
I've been busy keeping the kids busy:) and looking at stick houses.
Actually was in the process of buying a new home and then backed out because we didn't feel like that was the house we wanted.
Missing my old house on Armsley, makes it hard to find a house again.
I want a yard, the new house didn't have a yard.
It was nice and new, but I'm thinkin' old...picket fence, big yard, fruit trees????
Not sure if we should buy now or wait till our trip is over and we know where we want to settle down.
Will we ever settle down?ha!
I've also been busy working on next years school schedule....
I can't believe I will be teaching a 6th grader!
(I have a 6th grader?!?! )
I think my son is officially smarter than me..shhhh don't tell him:)
I only have to be one day smarter:) I keep telling myself this:)
And thank God for friends who are math tutors:)
School next year will be very busy. I will have a 6th grader, a 4th grader, a kindergartner, preschooler and a little 2 year old that is into everything!
So I'm sure you can understand why blogging and the computer all together will be taking a back seat.
Last week we celebrated Faith turning 9 on Monday....
We went to her favorite restaurant for lunch had a little tea party, got our nails done then went on a special date for dinner.
School next year will be very busy. I will have a 6th grader, a 4th grader, a kindergartner, preschooler and a little 2 year old that is into everything!
So I'm sure you can understand why blogging and the computer all together will be taking a back seat.
Last week we celebrated Faith turning 9 on Monday....
We went to her favorite restaurant for lunch had a little tea party, got our nails done then went on a special date for dinner.

She wanted Italian food. So Daddy and I took her to the Old Spagetti Factory.
being 9......(it's still very cool to hold daddy's hand:))

fyi: we had to wear green. birthday girl request.
She wanted me to wear this dress with a belt.
Very demanding... I'm telling you!!!

She's an idealist..I think she takes after her mom...

Then on Tuesday we all woke up early...Daddy headed to work and the kids and I headed to Vegas. We picked up Great Grandma on the way........
We went to take Grandma to visit family. Family she hasn't seen in 15 years. Grandma and I talked the whole drive:)
Grandma and I could talk for hours......and we did:)
The kids couldn't wait to go swimming.........

and try out the slides......

The pool was amazing....

Taking a trip without Daddy is hard work!
I thought of my good friend Tara as I took this picture...her blog name is Too Many Kids in a Bathtub:) She has 5 kids the same age as mine but is now adding another little baby boy to the tub:)
I thought of my good friend Tara as I took this picture...her blog name is Too Many Kids in a Bathtub:) She has 5 kids the same age as mine but is now adding another little baby boy to the tub:)

Most of the cousins have summer birthdays so we seem to party the whole summer.......
Here is Cylis Buzz turning 3. Next week it's Aven's 2nd party....(forget swimsuit season with all this birthday cake!)

Landen helped blow out the fire......speaking of fire...
Landen set fire to the RV. That's a whole other blog post that I don't have time for...but lets just say, don't have a candle in an RV anywhere near paper towels.
Wait...let's just say, don't have a candle in an RV with Landen ha!
We didn't think Faith would get to go this year. We thought we would be gone by now. In fact I didn't even know when it was and completely forgot about it. Until Daddy called at 3:00pm and told us he was taking Faith to prom and be ready by 5pm.
Faith called all her friends last minute to see if she could borrow a dress.
We picked up a dress, borrowed Great Grandmas heels...yes, Faith wore Great Grandmas heels to prom LOL....
She put in her contacts, I did her hair how she requested. Daddy got home just in time to take a shower and no time to shave.
I was lucky to snap a couple pictures and off they went to dance the night away.
She looks so old without her glasses.
So pretty!
So pretty!

It will be hard for Faith to find a real prom date...she will be very picky. They better open her door and treat her like a princess because that is what she is use to:)
She is such a lady:) When she got home she told me she had a great night on the horse and carriage and dancing with Daddy...
and that she remembered to put her napkin over her lap at dinner and sit up straight:)
She DOES look older without her glasses!! WOW! She is beautiful just like her momma.
Oh my goodness, you've been busy!! Keep on enjoying time with family and your summer! :) Blessings!
Wow soooo much going on. What a blessing though huh? I will pray for you and the many things that are going on right now. I totally get it, not enough time in the day. Yep that's me. So mucn I want to do but not enough time. hee hee Take care my friend.
Wow soooo much going on. What a blessing though huh? I will pray for you and the many things that are going on right now. I totally get it, not enough time in the day. Yep that's me. So mucn I want to do but not enough time. hee hee Take care my friend.
I've missed you, beautiful post......do you think the Armsley house will be up for sale, the house we were in is now.....maybe? I know how much you loved it....ya never know! :-)
Hi Bridget,
I've popped over to your blog every now and then to read about your beautiful family. I linked off of another blog. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what an awesome job you're doing. Growing up I had some bad experiences with families that chose homeschooling for their children. And as with most life experiences, once you have a bad impression of something it is very difficult to change that impression. Regardless, the example you have set of homeschooling is remarkable and the experiences your children are getting are incomparable. You and your husband have obviously taught them to love God above all else but also to love themselves and to have respect for who they are and who they come from.
Anyway, I know that this was probably a bit random, but I wanted to offer you a word of encouragement and to let you know that your family is often in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh Bridget! This is my heart exactly! I find myself in a new season of life. A season where the Lord has not given me the time to blog as much! You will be richly blessed for being obedient !!! I LOVE THE PICTURE of the kids in the tub!!!!!!!! It is so heart warming to know you thought of me! I MISS YOU SOOO MUCH!!!! We will have to plan a trip to CA soon! I am so very proud of you! SO proud to call you my friend and to be able to "ride along: as you grow into a wonderful mother who IS DEFINITELY smarter than a 6th grader! I wish we were closer to take a weekend away and plan school together! One day! :)
You will find the house the Lord has for you! Just keep doing what you are doing!!!
Keep in touch!!!!!
Hi Bridget! I have to recall...exactly 1 year ago, I found myself in this same place. I had just found out that baby #7 was on the way, Jerromy was just about graduated...Marion's back surgery...I felt completely overloaded and I had to make that decision to kinda' cut off things that were not essential to survival. Seasons of life are constantly changing, growing us, shaping us. I find a little time here and there to jot down something that is going on around here, but I miss the friends that I made most of all. Tending to so many leaves me in need of encouragement from time to time. I enjoy reading about your adventures as oft as you share them. No matter how much that is. So glad you have the freedom to follow your family's dream! Enjoy! These days are too quickly gone! :o)
Hi Bridget,
I love poppin over to your blog, you have such beautiful kiddos and it looks like you guys have such a special time together. I think it's awsome that you're homeschooling and visitng different places with your children, you are a very devoted mom, and what a great opportunity for the children. Kids grow so fast we should cherish every moment we have with them, it's a blessing from God.
Faith is darling on her date with dad. I love how you dress your daughters, please do let me know where you shop for them.
Faith is so pretty! I love her fashion sense and the hairstyle she picked out. I might have to use that for a wedding I'm going to!
This was a lovely post. She is simply beautiful!
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