We no longer go to the Shoppes to shop.....(we go to take the kids to play)
We no longer have time to get ready, maybe just a ponytail..... (and if it's really bad a hat!)
We no longer can take a picture and actually look at the camera...(too many kids to watch!)

my sis and I

I can't wait for my other sister Brenda to add some little ones to the mix!

She said, "Did you say VAN?"
Yep, my dream car is now a huge mormon van...
haha yes our lives have changed but, I agree it is for the better. Hey I think the van is a great idea.
I don't even really know how I found your blog, but I love to read it. I think you are an amazing woman and I love what you are doing with your children. You will all have such wonderful memories of this time.
However, I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...A "Mormon." I think the "mormon van" comment could be offensive. Why does a large van need to be called "a mormon van"? Honestly, you have more children than most Mormons I know :)
Just thought I would let you know that it could be taken as an offensive joke.
I look forward to reading more about your road-schooling. Good luck and safe travels!
Too funny! We just recently purchased a new-to-us used conversion van. My kids were horrified and appalled! They are teenagers and didn't want to ride in it because we'd look like homeschoolers! HELLO- I have news for you kids, we are homeschoolers! Besides, it could always be worse- it could be a 15 passenger van! LOL Anyway, they may have grumbled for a bit but after taking our first road trip in it, they changed their minds. They love all the space now and our friends can travel with us. I do have to park way out at the mall though so people don't see us! LOL Too funny! Blessings!:)
Hey, don't underestimate the consideration of a small shuttle bus. Ha! It sure is nice to stand straight up and walk around comfortably. I laugh at my life now and how "crazy" it is.... just today I was thinking about how I would said it was all insane a decade ago. I did not want kids and I surely would not even ponder the thought of homeschooling or anything I have now.... this is a way better dream!
We are hitting the road in a week in our bus!! We don't really have a set plan, but it starts with leaving Texas as fast as we can and heading to Hot Springs, AK to Magic Springs and Crystal Falls Theme Park. I keep wondering if our paths will cross????? Hmmm..... I'll keep up with you on FB, if I can.
That's what I drive now, Bridget! Nine passenger van....looks just like the one in your picture, but mine is white....yes, times have changed for sure! (But I still use the little Mercedes convertible for the VERY FEW times I'm out alone!)
yes they have changed ALOT but I agree for the better! And you look cute in ponytails and hats!
The van is awesome if you ask me!! You have such beautiful kiddos :)
I agree life with lots of children if a blast!! Wouldn't have it any other way.
So funny - we actually almost bought a van - we have 4 car seats, and we take our nephew with us alot who is 3 and also in a car seat - so 5 seats total and a double stroller - then where does Grammy sit??:) We stuck with the extended denali but went with two bench seats - but I TOTALLY Get the need for a van:)
I loved the intro to your blog! so true!!! But you're so right for the better...!
Too funny! I have never heard it called a "mormon van". A friend was recently considering buying one of the Monster vans for her 5 kids, but she didn't want to look like a "homeschooler".
I am a Proud Homeschoolin' Mama. I do NOT wear denim jumpers, but I do drive a big monster van ... and I LOVE it. We bought our first 15 passenger van in 1990. Wow! I've been driving a monster van for 20 years. (We are on our 3rd Ford Clubwagon 1 ton 15 passenger.) Wouldn't get anything else, even though we now only have 6 kids at home.
Laurel :)
Woohoo! Bridget is joining the VAN club. Trust me, it's not that bad.
I am so proud of my girls!! You are both great moms and it is such a blessing to see all that the Lord is doing in your lives. I pray He continues to bless you as I know He will! I love you all so much!!
Hey!!! I got one of those...except it doesn't look as SMOOTH as that one. It seats 11 When I got it...Shannon and I could haul all our bunch together...but...we are short a few seats now. So, she went and bought a shuttle bus that seats 21...LOL! For a while...we will all be able to travel together...if we EVER have time. Seems we stay so stinkin' busy, we hardly get to visit. Marion fussed when I bought it...and now, he is SO glad that I did. Next step up for us...TOUR BUS!!!!NO JOKE!!!
A: I have some mormon friends and they are the ones that called their vans mormon vans. We laughed together and I picked up on the name and just called it that ever since.sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way at all.
thanks for stopping by!
You are so cute! I just love your attitude and your blog. You deserve a big ol' van for all your adventures!
I only have 1 kid and a van seems so convenient!! Haha! It looks like the kids are having a blast at the splash park.
P.S. I love the girls clippies :)
Between my Mom and my Aunt...they had 12 kids together. One day at the park someone asked if those were their daycare kids...they just said YES! Enjoy the crazy days with your sister. I'm a little jealous because all of my sisters kids are grown up...so I can't share the craziness with them:( What a blessing to have that with your sister!!! By the way...when do you plan to come back?? Just wondering little blonde cutie! It's Kristie Vargas here...I keep forgetting my google password..duh!
We just bought a 15 passenger van a couple of months ago (we have 5 kids) and I love it! The only trouble I've found is that it doesn't really fit into parking garages...
love reading your blog. Imagine my surprise to see you @ the shoppes in my very own little town...;) Keep blogging about your adventures! Your a great mom!
Life has changed for us as well.
I think the van is a great idea.
Don't let the Mormon comment bug you. Most Mormons I know call them that, or just a BMV!Some even opt for the BMW, Big Mormon Wagon! I used to have one of those big'ol vans for work, LOVED it!I only have grand kids now, but would LOVE one so I could load'em all up to go fun places! The picture you posted is a beauty!
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