cracked, bleeding knuckles or fingers
elephant elbows
alligator legs
split dry heels from walking barefoot or wearing flip flops (That's me!)

do you have chapped lips.......

or how about seasonal eczema (my kids get this)?????
works great on diaper rashes too!
Then my friend Renee over at MadeOn Hard Lotion can help!
She is a mother of 7 blond cuties and is passionate about using natural products.

She began her company back in 2008 when she was looking for a combination of pure, natural ingredients to help with her hard working mommy hands and feet (bleeding dry fingers and cracked heels.)
After spending months testing ingredients, trying products at farmers markets, and getting valuable feedback through her online surveys, Renee took her product to a larger market via the worldwide web.
After spending months testing ingredients, trying products at farmers markets, and getting valuable feedback through her online surveys, Renee took her product to a larger market via the worldwide web.
Since we have been living at the beach for about 2 months now( but getting ready to head out on the open road again!) We live in flip flops or are running around barefoot, so I was happy when Renee sent me some products to use!
Thank Renee!!!!
She also sent my Grandpa who has psoriasis some Bee Silk.
(Beesilk lotion bar combines shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax in one bar. Excellent on extreme dry skin and works the hardest to relieve symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.)
It works great and best of all, it's not greasy!
I loved the Au Chocolat lotion bar Renee sent me(Chocolate without the calories!!!!)
It combines cocoa butter, coconut oil and beeswax to produce a lotion with a slight natural chocolate scent. Smells Yummy!
With our family traveling and being outdoors a lot..(you know getting ticks and all) The Bug Bar is a fav...We will be using a lot of this product as we will be doing a lot of hiking in Yellowstone and other places.
This bar has the same ingredients as the Beesilk lotion bar, but adds the essential oils of citronella, cedar wood, and lavender to create the added benefit of repelling mosquitoes.
I feel safe using the Bug Bar on the kids because it doesn't have all the toxins and best of all it doesn't smell like bug spray!

Renee also has a new product (hair butter) that she's been working on for months. Check out her interesting story that involves moms of adopted Ethiopian children:)
Second Life Hair Butter combines shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax and sweet orange essential oil to create a "butter" to scoop and rub into dry hair to moisturize and texturize.
Renee is still working on making more natural products. Is there an essential oil you would like to have in a lotion bar? Leave a comment letting us know.
Check out Renee's website and blog!
Become a fan of MadeOn Hard Lotion on Facebook.
Renee is also offering a discount coupon code for 10% off total purchase!
now through June 30th, 2010
It immediately applies the discount when you update the cart.
Coupon Code: Bridget
I'm so excited to have a product that will help with my ugly feet......
I'm going to be showing off my new cute smooth summer feet by hanging them out the RV window as we head up the Oregon coast:)

with 3 simple, pure ingredients: beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter in one solid lotion bar!
Here's how it works:
hold it in your hand and as your body temperature warms the bar, rub it into your skin. You'll find it instantly absorbs without a greasy feeling.
Now go check out her amazing products @
~Renee lives in Northern CA, we plan on getting her 7 and my 5 together for some fun!
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