So much fun to swing.....

but even better when you have a best friend (sister) to swing with...

Sister Love...

Sister Secrets...

Sisters Laughs...

Strange Sisters...

{Do I have the longest tongue you have ever seen or what???}
So glad my sister will be spending the weekend with us:)
*My other sis better call in sick and join us!* hint hint
I thank God for my sisters...
Have a good weekend everyone!!!
This is the #1 reason I want to try for another baby so I can have a sister for Berlyn. I don't know what I'd do without my sisters. Love ya. I still think my tounge is cooler. ha
Great post with a big laugh at the end... Posted about swings just this week~
My husband has the Longest tounge ever. When he gets home I am going to have to text you a pic. lol I must say yours may be just as long. haha
I am so glad my girls will have that sister bond. :)
What a wonderful post about sisters :O) I didn't have any growing up but my sister in laws are my sisters and I feel that way about them!!
Your girls are too cute!
Too funny!! I had 2 brother's, the one is with God now. I have 5 sons, and most of my cousins are boys. We adopted our little girl from Guatemala and I'm praying for another one. I loved having brothers though, they were always getting into something and it was fun watching them get in trouble. ha ha! Love the photots!
Hey Bridget! Are you all headed back on the road on Tuesday? I never heard the fate of Landen's shoe...should I mail it? Toss it? Put it on my mantle? ha ha ha.....
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