Sorry, but all 128 shoes are necessary!
You never know when you will need those perfect pair of heels! right?
I ended up bringing about 15 pairs ...and each of the girls have about 15 pairs as well! Sorry boys, us girls need our fashion on board! Thank God for underneath storage!

One thing I have really enjoyed is how I can clean my whole "house" in about 10 minutes! I often miss our big old house, but I don't miss cleaning it that's for sure!
I miss our old backyard too, but now I have a backyard that is always changing!
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot!
We signed up at another library the other day...(I think we belong to more libraries across the country than any other people I know!)

The other half, I let the kids pick out whatever they were interested in reading about....Austin got books on Indians. He is trying to master the Navajo language (going around calling me "Ne-he-mah" which means mother) and practicing Indian sign laungage. ha! Whatever floats your boat dude!

And of course my lil dog lover got books on.... dogs! And is having fun reading them to her....dog!

We also rented the classic movie "Pollyanna."
Can you believe it, I've never seen it!
What a great movie! If you or your kids haven't seen it, go to your local library and get it! After the movie we played the "Glad Game." A game Pollyanna plays in the movie. A game that teaches you to be optomistic about life.
I call Faith my little Pollyanna, she is my child who is always looking on the bright side of things.
To be honest, I've been complaining a bit about not being back on the road yet, although we are parked in what is "the Hiltons of RV parks." A place where they bring you "room service" to your coach doorstep. Right on the water...
To be honest, I've been complaining a bit about not being back on the road yet, although we are parked in what is "the Hiltons of RV parks." A place where they bring you "room service" to your coach doorstep. Right on the water...
I'm learning that I need to find that childlike mindset and reach out and be an encourager to those less fortunate.
For example, at this park there are people in $800,000 coaches and then there are families in trailers just trying to get by one day at a time.
I've met a couple families here who are going through hard times. Normal people like us who don't have family to turn to or have been layed off. They are just days away from being homeless....with kids!
There's a lot of hurting people out there with this economy and we are seeing it first hand out here.
Even though we are choosing to live like this.....
Yes, it's fun!
Yes, our coach costs more than some homes...
Yes, we get to travel and see amazing places...
It's still hard at times....
But ...my kids have learned to appreciate things they took for granted before...and so have we!
Sometimes, I guess you have to put yourself in that place of what others are going through to really understand.
When we were in Texas staying the night in a Walmart parking lot...we saw a family sleeping in their car.
We were able to hand them some blankets and buy them dinner. I can't imagine!
That night as we prayed, our kids thanked God we had a roof over our heads and a place to sleep!
This week we we were able to bless a lady in the park....We just found out it was her birthday and they didn't have money to do anything.
I ran to the store to get a cake and candles. We ran back and the kids found hiding places around the RV. I called her over and invited her in....
The kids jumped out of hiding and yelled.......Surprise!!!!!!
Ok, so don't let your wild 4 year old hold the cake on the way home, no matter how bad he asked to hold it!
It fell (with the plastic cover on)
My little Pollyanna Faith said, "It's okay, chocolate is chocolate!"
She's right! It still tasted like sweet chocolate even though it didn't look all that pretty!

Our new friend was in tears and loved the surprise party we threw her....and had a good laugh at the cake!
I thank God for the people we are meeting, for the opportunites we are given in all the places we stop along the way....
And for the lessons we learn!
Dang! 15 pairs of shoes is twice as many as I own!!! I guess I am just not much of a shoe person. :)
Your storage under your RV look awesome! Be thankful!
My daughter and I live with my parents in a very very OLD stone house in Kansas. The entire house has three closets. Tiny closets. My daughter and I get two of the three (my poor mom!). If you look up in our closets you will see a mountain of organized choas and belongings!) All of you happy little storage boxes made my heart so happy! ORDER :)
I love you blog! Very encouraging....
You never saw Pollyanna before???? That is one of my favorite movies!!! I cry every time I watch it!! Love that movie!!
You are right that Faith is a Pollyanna too, the little sweetheart!
made me tear up!! Great post
I love how the Lord is using your family to minister to others! AWESOME!
FIFTEEN pairs of shoes, whoa! There's NO way all 15 would've made it into the camper and stayed there if you were in my shoes (ha!) - very jealous but realizing I am fine with 5 (and apparently that's still 3 pairs too many), sigh....
So, you sign up for libraries how exactly? Don't you have to show some proof of residence within the area? We tend to only stay places for one week but visit a library most weeks, just stay for hours until books are finished while we're there - we would love to bring a couple home, if only for a day or two - please tell me how!
Awesome that your kids are seeing how others live, quite an eye-opener isn't it?....for us too.
Your coach is much bigger then my 36 ft travel trailer that my husband and I are moving into.
I don't have that many shoes, but do love to do crafts, quilt and sew so it is a big challenge.
Hopefully when I get to retire, we too will be able to do a bit of traveling. But, at the moment, am glad we have a roof over our head and not paying so much on rent.
have a great day.
Your whole life...and shoe collection...is a constant inspiration! Makes me wanna come live on the road with ya! But I'd have to bring my kids...and my big ol'pregnant self...and my Diet Pepsi addiction...and, well, it just wouldn't be pretty. How do you decide which books your kids can check out? My kids have come home with some doozies at times (strange scary books)--do you screen them all?
Oh and that cake story is priceless! Talk about teaching love through your actions! Your kids will remember that forever!...especially the one you allowed to hold the cake. :)
I just showed Pollyanna to my daughter a few months ago! You have missed out your whole life on making "glad game" comments! ha. I say that all the time to my kids! hee hee
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