Berlyn is doing well. The procedure went great. She is in nicu but expected to go home tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers!
For my niece Berlyn...

She's almost 8 weeks old and is getting a procedure done on her little heart today!
Thank you!
Oh, I just love her.....
Already done! Love, prayers and blessings!!! :o)
Praying for her! Sweet baby girl.
Praying for wisdom for the surgeon, and everything to go better than expected. That she may recover so speedily and heal without much pain. Praying for her parents too!!!!
Prayers for sweet Berlyn... What a doll! :)
Prayers sent her way!
Bridget... How did baby Berlyn's procedure go? Just thinking of her. (and you!) :)
Praying as I type. *hugs*
Just checking in to see how the baby is doing?
My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
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