For those of you who have been there know that it features a ‘walk through history’ based on the ‘7 C’s of History.

‘The 7 C’s of History’ is a phrase that helps us remember the events that have affected (or will affect) the universe: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation.
Austin on his mission to prove Darwin wrong.

‘The 7 C’s of History’ is a phrase that helps us remember the events that have affected (or will affect) the universe: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation.
Austin on his mission to prove Darwin wrong.

God created in six normal-length days (6 literal days) around 6,000 years ago (Not millions of years). His completed creation was ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31), and all the original animals and the first two humans (Adam and Eve) ate only plants (Genesis 1:29–30). Life was perfect, and not yet affected by the Curse.

So, that’s a summary of the message you will experience as you make your way through the museum. They also be provide details of how true science confirms that biblical account of history, and they answer the skeptical claims leveled at the Bible. Many non-Christians are challenged as they walk thru, many receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As Christians it helps equip you to better evangelize to the lost and exalt Jesus Christ as the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer!
God created in six normal-length days (6 literal days) around 6,000 years ago (Not millions of years). His completed creation was ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31), and all the original animals and the first two humans (Adam and Eve) ate only plants (Genesis 1:29–30). Life was perfect, and not yet affected by the Curse.
Corruption :
God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8) except one—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He warned Adam that death would be the punishment for disobedience (Genesis 2:17). Instead of listening to the command of his Creator, Adam chose to rebel, eating the fruit from the tree (Genesis 3:6). Because our holy God must punish sin, He sacrificed animals to make coverings for Adam and Eve, and sent the first couple from the garden, mercifully denying them access to the Tree of Life, so that they would not live forever in their sinful state.
Adam’s sin ushered death, sickness and sorrow into the once-perfect creation (Romans 5:12).
God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8) except one—the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He warned Adam that death would be the punishment for disobedience (Genesis 2:17). Instead of listening to the command of his Creator, Adam chose to rebel, eating the fruit from the tree (Genesis 3:6). Because our holy God must punish sin, He sacrificed animals to make coverings for Adam and Eve, and sent the first couple from the garden, mercifully denying them access to the Tree of Life, so that they would not live forever in their sinful state.
Adam’s sin ushered death, sickness and sorrow into the once-perfect creation (Romans 5:12).
God also pronounced a curse on the world, changing it completely (Genesis 3, Romans 8:20–22). As a result, the world that we now live in is merely a decaying remnant—a corruption—of the beautiful, righteous world that Adam and Eve originally called home. The good news is that, rather than leave His precious handiwork without hope, God graciously promised to one day send a Redeemer who would buy back His people from the curse of sin (Genesis 3:15).
As the descendants of Adam and Eve married and filled the earth with offspring, their wickedness was great (Genesis 6:5).
As the descendants of Adam and Eve married and filled the earth with offspring, their wickedness was great (Genesis 6:5).
God judged their sin by sending a global Flood to destroy all men, animals, creatures that move along the ground, and the birds of the air (Genesis 6:7). Those God chose to enter the Ark—Noah and his family, and land-dwelling representatives of the animal kingdom—were saved from the watery catastrophe. This earth-covering event has left its mark even today. From the thousands of feet of sedimentary rock found around the world, to the ‘billions of dead things buried in rock layers’ (aka ‘fossils’), the Flood reminds us even today that our righteous God cannot—and will not—tolerate sin, while the Ark reminds us that He provides a way of salvation from sin’s punishment. The rainbows we experience remind us of God’s promise never again to destroy the earth with water.
Our salvation comes through Christ, the Creator God who stepped into history to become a man who would do what the first Adam did not do—live a perfect life in obedience to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:45–49).
After the Flood, God commanded Noah and his family—the only humans left in the world—and the animals to fill the earth (Genesis 8:17). However, the human race once again disobeyed God’s command and built a tall tower, which they hoped would keep them together (Genesis 11:3–4). So, around 100 years after the Flood waters retreated, God brought a confusion (a multiplicity) of languages in place of the common language the people shared, causing them to spread out over the earth. From these various groups are descended all the tribes and nations in the world today. Despite what you’ve been led to believe about our seeming superficial differences, we really are all ‘one blood’ (Acts 17:26)—descendants of Adam and Eve through Noah and his family—and all, therefore, in need of salvation from sin.
After the Flood, God commanded Noah and his family—the only humans left in the world—and the animals to fill the earth (Genesis 8:17). However, the human race once again disobeyed God’s command and built a tall tower, which they hoped would keep them together (Genesis 11:3–4). So, around 100 years after the Flood waters retreated, God brought a confusion (a multiplicity) of languages in place of the common language the people shared, causing them to spread out over the earth. From these various groups are descended all the tribes and nations in the world today. Despite what you’ve been led to believe about our seeming superficial differences, we really are all ‘one blood’ (Acts 17:26)—descendants of Adam and Eve through Noah and his family—and all, therefore, in need of salvation from sin.

Our salvation comes through Christ, the Creator God who stepped into history to become a man who would do what the first Adam did not do—live a perfect life in obedience to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:45–49).
He was the Redeemer who had been promised 4,000 years earlier and who came to save the world from sin by dying on the Cross and rising three days later—paying the death penalty for those who receive His free gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23).
Those who have repented and placed their faith in the finished work of Christ look forward to the consummation of all things in the future, when the Curse will be removed and God will provide the new heavens and the new earth for His children. There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain (Revelation 21:4).

So, that’s a summary of the message you will experience as you make your way through the museum. They also be provide details of how true science confirms that biblical account of history, and they answer the skeptical claims leveled at the Bible. Many non-Christians are challenged as they walk thru, many receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As Christians it helps equip you to better evangelize to the lost and exalt Jesus Christ as the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer!

Bridget: We had the opportunity to go to the Creation Museum when we did our trip around the country in September 2008. What an amazing place! God is certainly using their ministry there. Here's the post I did on that one:
I'm so enjoying your adventures through your blog. Thanks for chronicling this for us and for your family.
Liz in CA
We too have been there (twice) for "Home school field trips." It is so awesome and we recommend it to everyone!
Just out of curiosity, where does the belief that the Earth is only 6,000 years old come from? Where in the Bible does it say that? Haven't there been human remains that have been found that are least a million years old? And that's just human remains. I don't quite understand why Christianity would conflict with a belief in an Earth that is millions of years old.
I mean 6,000 years is nothing in the existence of the world. It seems like you are really doing your children a disservice by teaching them Young Earth Creationism. You are denying them the true breadth and scope and glory and miracle of the world--and of God.
we haven't made it and we're super close! but thanks for the highlights! :)
Eva thanks for your comment. Here is evidence for a young earth.
As for human remains dating back a million years..there's really not proof of that. here's proof that they are not really that old.
I do teach my children to look at both sides, I do want them to see what evolutionist believe as well as what the bible and science say. If we are to believe the whole bible beginning to end we can't believe in millions of years.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! I can't wait to go there and take the kids! Praise the Lord for a creating such a wonderful ministry through the Creation museum.
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