It's Monday and Daddy has work off. We're having a lazy day. Watching Hallmark Christmas movies and getting some wrapping done. I thought I'd catch up on my blog.
Here's our week in review....
We took Daniel Boone, his siblings and Finley's ugly baby to pick out a tree.
Here's our week in review....
We took Daniel Boone, his siblings and Finley's ugly baby to pick out a tree.

The girls wanted a flocked tree and the boys wanted just a plain green one. We thought about getting half the tree flocked and leave the other half. Daddy said No. I thought it would be original and would make everyone happy.
Next year girls will get their way!
We will get a flocked tree:)
We loaded our tree on our clown car. Ugh, this car has got to go! It's so small for us, but we needed it for the road trip. I'm hoping we can trade it in this year.
I also need to get Landen some new pants....he must of thought it was going to rain that night.
That's what I get for letting the kids dress themselves.

Minus a few big kids...but we still had a full house! These are friends from WA. We call them the Big "D" family.They have a dozen kids. I'm not exaggerating when I say dozen. Really, they have 12 kids! They are on their way to Texas from WA. We are one of their stops along the way. Fun times! Justin and I really look up to Laurel and Jim. We spent most of our time talking about raising kids. Laurel has a ministry site and Jim is a pastor on one of the islands in WA. They are asked to speak at many conventions and church retreats etc...but we got them to spend the night at our house.hahaha What a blessing!

The first night we had Pizza and salad. Why did I think only 5 pizzas would be enough!???
For breakfast we did a buffet style. I just set out bagels, cereal, breads and scrambled eggs and told everyone to just help themselves....
Farrah got caught red handed digging into the coffee cake!

For lunch we had pulled pork sandwiches and macaroni salad. The kids played football and ran around outside before they had to get back into the big 15 passenger van headed to Houston. Jim and Laurel's son was getting married. The first of their kids to get married!

We enjoyed our visit...and guess what? They need a place to stay on their way back home....
So we get them again!
By the time I got all the towels, sheets and dishes washed from their 1st stay they are already headed back.....but we don't mind at all...we are honored and excited to have them!
Boys against girls again....
Just like we couldn't decide on a tree, we couldn't decide on a movie.
So, the girls went to see Tangled and the boys went to see Narnia.
Just like we couldn't decide on a tree, we couldn't decide on a movie.
So, the girls went to see Tangled and the boys went to see Narnia.

The boys loved Narnia and us girls loved Tangled! Now the boys actually want to see Tangled and us girls want to see Narnia. We will have to wait until it comes out on video.

I gave Farrah one of her Christmas presents early...the costume and wig.
She was in heaven!!!!!!!!
She was in heaven!!!!!!!!

The boys movie started 20 minutes before ours. They didn't get snacks but us girls couldn't watch a movie without popcorn and candy! So when they were gone we snuck to the concession stand. hehe
That's what they get for not letting us get a flocked tree;)
That's what they get for not letting us get a flocked tree;)

We do a major cleaning once a week. Daddy and Finley vacuum.

We live really close to the mountains...after school we headed up on a hunt for snow. No snow yet! Will have to go back up this week!

Baked cookies at Great Grandmas!

One of Daddy's customers gave us $100 to Outback Steakhouse.
We told the kids they could get whatever they wanted...
Austin tried ordering the $30 King Crab. We explained to him that when we told them they could order anything it didn't mean scan the menu and get the most expensive item on the menu! He was just so excited he got to order from the "adult" menu he couldn't help himself!
We enjoyed a nice dinner and thanked Daddy for all his hard work!

My nephew Colton's birthday was Saturday so we got ready to head over to my brother's. They live on a street where they have Christmas light contests. My brother won best decorated house!
The girls got dressed up for their cousins party.
I told the girls to go stand by the tree so I could take their picture.....

Austin spent the night a Great Grandma's and went Christmas caroling, while Faith spent the night at Aunt Brianna's. I only had 3 kids to get ready. Farrah actually got her hair roll brushed..which never happens. I barley have time to roll brush my hair.
Farrah loves when I roll brush her hair and tirl (curl) the ends:)
Farrah also likes to cut her little sisters hair when Mommy isn't around. And....paint the bathroom pink with nail polish. All while Mommy is trying to bake cookies for a Cookie exchange. (yes, I'm writing these down so that I can remember all of this later and laugh!)

Finley only has bangs on one side and tons of different layers all around. I can kind of hide it with big flowers. ugh! I could cry, but it's just hair!

Lil stinker!

I gave them a talk about cutting hair. I'm so glad they didn't cut off her locks. Look how long her hair is getting....She says she is trying to grow it as long as Tangled.

I can't believe Christmas is in one week.
I let the kids decorate the tree this year.....It looks SO hideous!!!! But they love it and had fun decorating so I lied and told them I loved it too. I had to leave it.
Oh, memories!!!!
Someday I will miss the messy hideous tree, the pink painted bathroom, and the bad haircuts!

I just love reading your blog! I giggle every time!
You have the most fun and adorable family, ever. I enjoy you blog and the silly stories about your kiddos SO much!
Lots of fun memories! I love the picture of Finley vacuuming with Daddy. I had to show Ben who is obsessed with the vacuum! They are perfect for each other:)
ah I love your tree, the crazier the better! Your house sounds like a barrel of fun! Merry Christmas!
Your family is so adorable...I'm writing down some pointers for when we decide to start a family.
Your blog is a highlight to my day!
You guys are a blast! The kids are so adorable and I love your header picture!
Fun fun post! I bought Mackenzi the same dress and the My Size Rapunzel for Christmas....I didn't see that there was a wig to go with it.....I might have to go on a hunt for a wig too!
Merry Christmas my friend....hope to see you soon!
I will be home for a couple weeks...come up and play in the snow (when it comes) :-)
We had soooo... much fun visiting your sweet family, and we were so sad that we couldn't come on the return trip. :(
Hope your Christmas was BLESSED!!!
Your "Big Sis"
Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.
- David
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