and Faith a big second grader (duh, like you can't see them holding up their fingers)
and Landen is in preschool
Even though Landen goes to preschool 2 days a week he still wants to be apart of our school day at home. I am doing this 52 week curriculum with him. It consits of story time, discussion, crafts, bible verse, snack and prayer. Each week has a different theme.
Even Farrah likes to do school..she was busy putting Cheerios in the holes in her Cheerio book.
We started the day with bible. Talking about change. How life changes, people change. We are going through a lot of change right now with moving and all I thought this would be a good lesson. We talked about how times change. We looked at the different centuries and how much has changed since then. Then we read in Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
I told them Everything in life changes, except Jesus' love.
After math, science and spelling came the fun stuff...
We made Time Capsule's. I had them decorate Lay's chip containers. Then they filled out papers on themselves. Their favorite stuff, things that are going on in their lives right now and goals they may have. I had them draw some pictures and put them in there too. We will open them on the last day of school to see how much has changed. How their writing has improved or if their interest have changed.
You are such a great Christian, Mom, Wife, teacher, ect. You are so inspiring! Keep up the great work! xoxo
I was wondering if you use a boxed curriculum or do you just plan everything out and do if yourself??
Your just so organized it's wonderful!!
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