Farrah said her first word at 7 months! Austin, read the entire Magic Tree House series at the age of 5! Faith can do simple algebraic equations at the age of 6! Landen can throw a curve ball at the age of 2!
Are you feeling queasy yet? I bet!
I know I get that way when I hear other mom's go on and on about their child/babies "accomplishments." So you ask why do I brag so much on this blog ???
I know this blog is full of bragging and I'm sorry if it makes you sick to your stomach to read how smart Austin is or how well Faith plays the violin. I blog a lot about what my kids are doing in school and sports etc. I'm a proud parent, I can't help it. I know that can be very annoying! Trust me though I can fill a whole other blog about how Landen lifts his leg like a dog and pees on my friends front lawn or how Faith stuck gum under the seat of our new car. Stuff that they do that I am not so proud of. My kids are far from perfect! Landen alone would take up my whole day just writing about things he has done or destroyed. I just choose not to write about some of those things. I started this blog as a home school blog and to update grandparents on what we were doing throughout the year. Basically to show we were not just sitting around watching t.v. and that the kids are learning. I also look at it as a journal for me. I can look back and see what we have done and look at all the fun memories we have made.
My bragging in no means is designed purely to make other moms feel like failures. Or that their kids don't measure up. Will you feel better if I accompanied some of my bragging by saying, "We spent hundreds of dollars on private school the last couple years, so our kids would get a great start in education and after paying all that money we should see results." or "We send the kids to the best violin teacher around and spend a lot of time practicing, so they better know what their doing."
I try to blog by providing carefully selected details and screening out the not-so-impressive ones. So if you think by my writing we are this perfect family and I as a mom think my kids are just wonderful it's probably because I just so happen to leave out some minor misbehavior.